I have decided just to journal my thoughts and information which I find on the internet or in books, etc. This is not intended as a fix or help except maybe commiserating with fellow sojourners dealing with Clostridium Difficile. I hope I do not offend anyone with some graphic descriptions, but those that have c. diff will understand.
I have not seen a doctor or an alternative doctor this time around. I didn't realize how bad it was as I had vancomycin with surgery due to being allergic to all other antibiotics. While I was healing from surgery, I realized I was losing weight and had little appetite. I tried to take some probiotics, especially Saccharomyces boulardii but I found my body couldn't handle them. I tried FMT and it seemed to really help. I did it about 3 times. I was getting better until a month later I ate a piece of meat that was bad, a sliced meat from the grocery store that must have spoiled for me. I do not have very good taste buds to tell the difference and didn't realize it until a few days later as to why I had the flare-up. That is when my system started going downhill fast. If I had realized it was bad meat, I am sure it would have helped to have taken activated charcoal, which is highly recommended for food poisoning.
So after trying cayenne and garlic, the stools were partially formed and yet had an explosive element also. With the encouragement of my daughter, who has generously given of her time and talent to help me with this vicious and devastating problem I have been following the GAPS protocol for healing a Leaky Gut Syndrome with beef, venison, and lamb bones made into a gelatinous broth which I should take frequently through-out the day to help heal the villi in the intestines as well as the cooked meats. The book says it takes time for some of us who are quite "heavy" with the c.diff overload.
I do go to the bathroom about 1-3 times per day. I am just very hungry even though I eat meat and broth and try to drink lots of water.
Most c. differs are low in stomach acid so I have been taking Betaine HCI with Pepsin and food has been better digested. I take it when I eat meat.
I also read that I am probably low in zinc so I am taking a 50 mg zinc (zinc gluconate) tablet with cellulose, magnesium stearate (vegetable source), silica and vegetable coating. I need to check out the copper needed as it is probably low.
Today I tried to take a taste of milk kefir on a toothpick, but just that little bit seemed to send shock waves through my system. To settle things down, I took 2 activated charcoal and will wait for that to take up the toxins. I realize I should have tried whey first and may do that another time, but will have to wait on those and may try another FMT soon.
The journey continues with God as my strength.