Sunday, September 28, 2014

Doing great!

I put off writing my journal because it is so depressing to have to think about c.diff and what to do.  I wavered between prayer and looking up more information on the internet.  It took a lot of time out of my life and it seemed as though nothing was happening.  Who wants to continue with a loose bowel and rumbling stomach all the time.  It has really stretched out this time.

I started taking 3-4 drops of oil of oregano (I used this brand) and put it in a "1" gelatin capsule filling the rest of the capsule with olive oil and taking it twice a day for about 2 weeks.  I did that and it helped get the c. diff under control along with a lot of prayer.  I also took detox baths every night.  It helped to relax my mind.  C. diff is a stressful situation and the less stress one has the better able to subdue the c. diff activity.

My daughter was very concerned that I not take oil of oregano for extended periods of time.  The body needs some rest time.  I quit taking the OoO  and just continued with the Gaps protocol moving on to the different steps as my stools continued to show progress in being firmer.  I also kept my activated charcoal handy in case it flared up again.

I am now averaging between 1-3  #3-#4 type stools a day on the Bristol Stool Chart.  Unless you have had c. diff you would not understand how great it is to have normal bowel movements and rejoice over that.

I believe that healing my leaky gut has greatly helped the progress in subduing the c. diff.  I also am too sensitive to take any probiotics and  even though I don't remember the source, I found that the body does heal itself and the "good" bacteria will start to grow again given the right environment.  The probiotics do not stay in the body but are temporary fixes that help the "good" bacteria to grow on its own.

All I can say is keep on getting healthy again and avoid antibiotics.  There are so many natural ways to work at infections that will not stress the body and allow the c. diff to rear its angry head.  Just be careful and be thankful.  God is the Great Physician.