Monday, May 28, 2018

Moving on in the right direction

I had a terrible time with my bowels from the middle of 2016 until February 2017.  I just couldn't depend on doing anything or even traveling for a day or two.  It was that no matter what I ate or abstained from or took I still had bowel movements that were mostly firm but ended up runny. That usually happened two times a day.  Some days were normal and would be that way for 3-5 days and then back to the old routine.

I finally decided to see my naturopathic doctor and said she needed a stool sample.  Being near a hospital that had that service I was able to find out pretty quickly as within several days the results came back--no clostridium difficile in stool specimen!  So I went in to see what the doctor had to say what was causing my problems.  It turns out that I was under a lot of stress and my body was reacting this way.  Actually the symptoms quit within a week of getting the results back.  However I did suffer from adrenal fatigue and that takes a while to get the body back to strength and getting over sensitivities.  I still have to be careful.  I use no "oils" or take any supplements other than some stomach enzymes with no probiotics and Vitamin C.  I do take peppermint tea mixed with ginger and a dash of cayenne some times but mostly just peppermint tea.

I did not take any probiotics as my body was so sensitive to any of them.  I just ate as healthy as I could and ate a lot of green vegetables and high power green salads with little to no dressing.  I eat venison for strength and fresh-from-our-chicken-house eggs.

I do eat most everything now that I used eat to before c.diff.

I can't say what exactly healed me or when, but I know that God was at work in me and I give Him all the credit for what He has done and the healing that has taken place.  I am so thankful for His mercy.

I do know that activated charcoal helps and also bentonite clay.  I believe that using barley water is good, too.  It takes perseverance and a desire to see this through.  A lot of prayer time was spent as well as prayer from friends and family.  That is encouragement.

I also tried to get walking in and fresh air.  Take 10 deep breaths of fresh air when unable to sleep. Also try putting a drop of castor oil on the middle of each eye lid--read about it on earth clinic- just before bed.

I strongly suggest that you look at Earth Clinic under C. Diff. remedies for suggestions and search the internet.  I do believe that the body has been designed to heal itself but one has to get on the right path for it to work.

Search and try to find what works for you.

I wish you well.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

New information

My c. diff. improved and I ate healthy foods since last post.  Then............
  I have had a case of diarrhea that I caught from my husband as he caught on the airplane ride home. It was the standard smelly, mucousy, watery poo.  I also felt cold all over and had read that the Chinese call it the "Cold Stomach"  I think.   So when I discovered the c diff was rearing its ugly head, I took activated charcoal and started searching my favorite site for alternative and practical remedies on  I had reread many of those articles and printed them out and put them in a notebook, following several protocols.  This time I decided to finally try the barley water method.  I had purchased hulled barley from  and put in a half cup of water in a medium saucepan with water up about halfway.  I boiled the barley for about 15-20 minutes and then  let it simmer for another hour or so until the grain was opening up and then let it sit and cool.  I took a cup of it while it was still warm and I could almost immediately feel the calming and easing effect in my system.  Stomach didn't bubble or feel stressed in the intestines and I waited  about 4 hours before trying another cup.  I ate some brown rice and cooked veggies.
I also read that rolled oats are good because they have silica in them, so I poured a little water on them to soak a bit and then chewed them slowly and swallowed.   I didn't notice any difference with eating them so if my system didn't object I decided to eat another bowl later.  This also I read about in Earth Clinic.  Anyway the diarrhea stopped the first day with the activated charcoal and the next morning a small formed blackish-green stool arrived.  After that I drank the barley water 3 times that day and the next day the stool was very well formed.  So this is my latest and and most pleasing trial with c diff.  I will continue to drink barley water if the stools become loose as I don't want the c diff to get ahead again.

The Bible lists many herbs for healing.  God has blessed us with those so we can heal through them as he has made our magnificent bodies to use those herbs and foods.  See this post for verses dealing with this subject.
May you find help in His word.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Doing great!

I put off writing my journal because it is so depressing to have to think about c.diff and what to do.  I wavered between prayer and looking up more information on the internet.  It took a lot of time out of my life and it seemed as though nothing was happening.  Who wants to continue with a loose bowel and rumbling stomach all the time.  It has really stretched out this time.

I started taking 3-4 drops of oil of oregano (I used this brand) and put it in a "1" gelatin capsule filling the rest of the capsule with olive oil and taking it twice a day for about 2 weeks.  I did that and it helped get the c. diff under control along with a lot of prayer.  I also took detox baths every night.  It helped to relax my mind.  C. diff is a stressful situation and the less stress one has the better able to subdue the c. diff activity.

My daughter was very concerned that I not take oil of oregano for extended periods of time.  The body needs some rest time.  I quit taking the OoO  and just continued with the Gaps protocol moving on to the different steps as my stools continued to show progress in being firmer.  I also kept my activated charcoal handy in case it flared up again.

I am now averaging between 1-3  #3-#4 type stools a day on the Bristol Stool Chart.  Unless you have had c. diff you would not understand how great it is to have normal bowel movements and rejoice over that.

I believe that healing my leaky gut has greatly helped the progress in subduing the c. diff.  I also am too sensitive to take any probiotics and  even though I don't remember the source, I found that the body does heal itself and the "good" bacteria will start to grow again given the right environment.  The probiotics do not stay in the body but are temporary fixes that help the "good" bacteria to grow on its own.

All I can say is keep on getting healthy again and avoid antibiotics.  There are so many natural ways to work at infections that will not stress the body and allow the c. diff to rear its angry head.  Just be careful and be thankful.  God is the Great Physician.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

My journey thus far

I have decided just to journal my thoughts and information  which I find on the internet or in books, etc.  This is not intended as a fix or help except maybe commiserating with fellow sojourners dealing with Clostridium Difficile.  I hope I do not offend anyone with some graphic descriptions, but those that have c. diff will understand.

I have not seen a doctor or an alternative doctor this time around.  I didn't realize how bad it was as I had vancomycin  with surgery due to being allergic to all other antibiotics.  While I was healing from surgery, I realized I was losing weight and had little appetite.  I tried to take some probiotics, especially Saccharomyces  boulardii but I found my body couldn't handle them.  I tried FMT  and it seemed to really help.  I did it about 3 times.  I was getting better until a month later I ate a piece of meat that was bad, a sliced meat from the grocery store that must have spoiled for me.  I do not have very good taste buds to tell the difference and didn't realize it until a few days later as to why I had the flare-up.  That is when my system started going downhill fast.  If I had realized it was bad meat, I am sure it would have helped to have taken activated charcoal, which is highly recommended for food poisoning.

So after trying  cayenne and garlic, the stools were partially formed and yet had an explosive element also.  With the encouragement of my daughter, who has generously given of her time and talent to help me with this vicious  and devastating problem I have been following the GAPS protocol for healing a Leaky Gut Syndrome with beef, venison, and lamb bones made into a gelatinous broth which I should take frequently through-out the day to help heal the villi in the intestines as well as the cooked meats.  The book says it takes time for some of us who are quite "heavy" with the c.diff overload.

I do go to the bathroom about 1-3 times per day.  I am just very hungry  even though I eat meat and broth and try to drink lots of water.

Most c. differs are low in stomach acid so I have been taking Betaine HCI with Pepsin and food has been better digested.  I take it when I eat meat.

I also read that I am probably low in zinc so I am taking a 50 mg zinc (zinc gluconate) tablet with  cellulose, magnesium stearate (vegetable source), silica and vegetable coating.  I need to check out the copper needed as it is probably low.

Today I tried to take a taste of  milk kefir on a toothpick, but just that little bit seemed to send shock waves through my system. To settle things down, I took 2 activated charcoal and will wait for that to take up the toxins.  I realize I should have tried whey first and may do that another time, but will have to wait on those and may try another FMT soon.

The journey continues with God as my strength.