Monday, May 28, 2018

Moving on in the right direction

I had a terrible time with my bowels from the middle of 2016 until February 2017.  I just couldn't depend on doing anything or even traveling for a day or two.  It was that no matter what I ate or abstained from or took I still had bowel movements that were mostly firm but ended up runny. That usually happened two times a day.  Some days were normal and would be that way for 3-5 days and then back to the old routine.

I finally decided to see my naturopathic doctor and said she needed a stool sample.  Being near a hospital that had that service I was able to find out pretty quickly as within several days the results came back--no clostridium difficile in stool specimen!  So I went in to see what the doctor had to say what was causing my problems.  It turns out that I was under a lot of stress and my body was reacting this way.  Actually the symptoms quit within a week of getting the results back.  However I did suffer from adrenal fatigue and that takes a while to get the body back to strength and getting over sensitivities.  I still have to be careful.  I use no "oils" or take any supplements other than some stomach enzymes with no probiotics and Vitamin C.  I do take peppermint tea mixed with ginger and a dash of cayenne some times but mostly just peppermint tea.

I did not take any probiotics as my body was so sensitive to any of them.  I just ate as healthy as I could and ate a lot of green vegetables and high power green salads with little to no dressing.  I eat venison for strength and fresh-from-our-chicken-house eggs.

I do eat most everything now that I used eat to before c.diff.

I can't say what exactly healed me or when, but I know that God was at work in me and I give Him all the credit for what He has done and the healing that has taken place.  I am so thankful for His mercy.

I do know that activated charcoal helps and also bentonite clay.  I believe that using barley water is good, too.  It takes perseverance and a desire to see this through.  A lot of prayer time was spent as well as prayer from friends and family.  That is encouragement.

I also tried to get walking in and fresh air.  Take 10 deep breaths of fresh air when unable to sleep. Also try putting a drop of castor oil on the middle of each eye lid--read about it on earth clinic- just before bed.

I strongly suggest that you look at Earth Clinic under C. Diff. remedies for suggestions and search the internet.  I do believe that the body has been designed to heal itself but one has to get on the right path for it to work.

Search and try to find what works for you.

I wish you well.

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